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About Us

“GeoFacts” is a fact-checking platform that offers readers fact-checked and fact-based information in Georgian and Russian languages. Some materials are also available to readers in English.

“GeoFacts.ee” is owned by the organization “GeoFacts” registered in Estonia. The founder and 100% owner of “GeoFacts” is Mariam Tsitsikashvili, member of the editorial board of the first Georgian fact-checking platform “FactCheck Georgia” (FactCheck.ge) for years.

The editorial policy of “GeoFacts” is determined by its editorial board, whose members have many years of experience in both journalism and specifically in fact-checking.

  • For details about the editorial board, see the board’s charter.
  • For details, see “GeoFacts” statute.
  • For details, see the “GeoFacts” team section, where biographies of board members are available.

“GeoFacts” aims to:

  • Provide the public with verified and fact-based information.
  • Ensure transparent methodology and fact-checking process, enabling readers to independently verify sources and confirm authenticity.
  • Promote critical thinking and media literacy.

Political Impartiality and Editorial Independence

Political impartiality is one of the guiding principles of fact-checking. This principle is critical for “GeoFacts” in order to faithfully serve the interests of society and democracy, the readers’ trust, and internationally recognized principles of fact-checking that determine the credibility of the entire field and fact-checking community.

“GeoFacts” ensures political impartiality and editorial independence through a combination of various internal and external mechanisms:

  • Funding transparency policy – “GeoFacts” funding is transparent and available in the “Funding” section. Additionally, “GeoFacts” publishes an annual financial report.
  • Transparent working methodology –”GeoFacts” editorial code details the work process from selecting claims to verify to publishing articles. “GeoFacts” code is based on best practices, principles and standards developed by the International Fact Checking Network (IFCN) and the European Fact-Checking Standards Network (EFCSN).
  • Code of conduct in public spaces – “GeoFacts” guidelines outline employee behavior in public, traditional, and social media to protect editorial impartiality and neutrality. Internal regulations address code violations.
  • Conflict of interest issue – According to the “Fact-Checking Working Rules“, “GeoFacts” analyst who may have a conflict of interest when verifying a particular claim recuse themselves from working on that issue. Readers are notified of this in an editor’s note. For conflicts involving “GeoFacts,” an external evaluator will edit the material prepared on the claim (this will be clearly explained to the reader in an editor’s note).
  • Independent and professional external audits and evaluations – “GeoFacts” relies on assessments from the International Fact Checking Network (IFCN) and European Fact-Checking Standards Network (EFCSN) as key industry benchmarks.
  • Agreements with donors exclude interference in editorial policy. “GeoFacts” does not accept funding from political parties and excludes entering into any other type of agreement with political entities or carrying out activities that may threaten the independence and impartiality of the editorial policy. “GeoFacts” internal regulations prohibit employees from receiving gifts, assistance or service on favorable terms that go beyond the general framework of expressing courtesy and respect.
  • “GeoFacts” does not employ and, as soon as it becomes known, immediately terminates contracts with persons who are employed in political parties or state agencies.