Home » Temur Tsamtsishvili: “The annual rate of natural increase in Imereti amounts to -2,987 with 5,215 births and 8,202 deaths.”
Factchecked Mostly True

Temur Tsamtsishvili: “The annual rate of natural increase in Imereti amounts to -2,987 with 5,215 births and 8,202 deaths.”

Temur Tsamtsishvili: “The number of people born in Kutaisi previously constituted up to 3,000 but now has decreased to 1,700. The situation is similar in the entire Imereti region, including Vani, Samtredia, Khoni, Tskaltubo, Baghdati, Terjola, Zestaponi, Kharagauli, Tkibuli, Sachkhere and Tchiatura. The annual rate of natural increase in Imereti amounts to -2,987, with 5,215 births and 8,202 deaths.”

Verdict: FactCheck concludes that Temur Tsamtsishvili’s statement is MOSTLY TRUE.

Resume: The birth rate has generally decreased in Georgia and the rate of natural increase – representing the difference between births and deaths – is negative, suggesting that deaths surpass births. This tendency is evident in the Imereti region. The number of births in Kutaisi reached or exceeded 3,000 in 2008-2009. Furthermore, the natural increase was positive (more births than deaths). However, the trajectory reversed from 2010, leading to a higher number of deaths as compared to the number of births by 2014. Regarding the aggregated data of Imereti, a positive natural population change was never recorded from 2008 to 2023 and the birth rate has been exhibiting a downward trend. The politician cited data of 2022 when 1,767 people were born and 2,118 died in Kutaisi. GeoStat uploaded the document containing 2023 primary demography statistics on 28 March. Notably, the number of births and deaths has decreased even further (1,582 and 1,843, respectively) but the rate of natural increase has remained negative both in Kutaisi and Imereti as a whole. In particular, the natural increase in Kutaisi was -351 in 2022 and -261 in 2023. A total of 5,215 people were born and 8,202 died in 2022 whilst 4,837 were born and 7,008 died in 2023 in Imereti. Thus, the natural population change constituted -2,897 in 2022 and -2,171 in 2023.

The opposition politician omits the fact that the highest birth rate in Imereti was recorded in 2014 which was under the governance of the Georgian Dream political party. Additionally, he overlooks that the highest death rate in Georgia was recorded in 2010, excluding the pandemic year of 2021 when COVID-19 impacted the death rate in Georgia, leading to a surge in the number of deaths in 2020 and 2021. Furthermore, it is crucial to take migration data into account, as more people have emigrated than returned, according to GeoStat data. Notably, the age group of individuals who have remained abroad is typically of reproductive age, further contributing to the downward trajectory of low birth rates.

Considering all of the above, FactCheck concludes that Temur Tsamtsishvili’s statement is MOSTLY TRUE.


United National Movement politician Temur Tsamtsishvili claimed: “The number of people born in Kutaisi previously constituted up to 3,000 but now has decreased to 1,700. The situation is similar in the entire Imereti region, including Vani, Samtredia, Khoni, Tskaltubo, Baghdati, Terjola, Zestaponi, Kharagauli, Tkibuli, Sachkhere and Tchiatura. The annual natural increase in Imereti amounts to negative 2,987, with 5,215 births and 8,202 deaths.”


It is crucial to highlight that the birth rate has generally decreased in Georgia and natural increase – representing the difference between births and deaths – is negative, suggesting that deaths surpass births, according to GeoStat data. The number of births in Georgia in 2023 is 5% lower than the figure recorded in the previous year. Specifically, 4,837 people were born in Imereti in 2023, placing the region fourth in terms of births. This region ranks fourth in the death rate data as well, with the number of deaths amounting to 7,008 last year. The aforementioned data suggests that the rate of natural increase in Imereti is negative, as deaths surpass births by 2,171.

However, Temur Tsamtsishvili cited data of 2022 when the natural population change in Imereti constituted -2,897. The number of births amounted to 5,215 whilst the number of deaths constituted 8,202 in 2022, including the data of Kutaisi and other municipalities of Imereti. However, both births and deaths decreased in 2023. The data of 2023 was made available after the politician’s statement.

Graph 1: Number of Births and Deaths in Imereti in 2022 and 2023

Source: National Statistics Office of Georgia

The graph above highlights that the number of births in Imereti dropped by 387 in 2023 as compared to 2022, indicating a 7.2% decrease. Furthermore, the number of deaths was lower than that of the previous year by 1,194, or 14.6%. Whilst the rate of natural increase in 2023 remained negative, it was, nonetheless, lower than in 2022.

The politician compared the demographic indicators of 2022 to those of 2008 and discussed all municipalities in Imereti. Hence, we analysed the data from 2008 to 2023.

Table 1: Number of Births and Deaths in Imereti, 2008-2023

მუნიციპალიტეტი 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
ქუთაისი 2829 2781 3102 2801 2258 2261 2085 2179 2124 2168 2018 2085 2674 2072 2665 2174 2469 2250 2369 2097 2270 1978 2021 2011 1965 2354 1978 2778 1767 2118 1582 1843
ბაღდათი 210 331 236 332 311 395 292 394 276 385 269 381 336 405 353 410 284 453 279 382 249 348 211 325 215 388 208 423 188 382 175 328
ვანი 235 380 264 379 358 456 334 455 315 443 305 437 358 415 388 420 356 487 345 468 325 411 244 381 217 401 253 423 206 373 199 319
ზესტაფონი 680 928 758 931 840 1013 785 1005 755 986 731 968 864 969 913 914 833 946 802 881 724 851 664 839 617 896 676 1035 571 816 537 727
თერჯოლა 318 522 359 525 501 642 471 644 445 631 436 627 496 598 525 626 474 610 452 644 377 569 357 567 349 575 337 676 316 529 330 453
სამტრედია 665 802 738 809 708 808 661 798 651 789 627 773 770 803 741 739 674 881 645 821 552 714 472 691 471 726 464 845 411 765 350 602
საჩხერე 341 548 387 551 523 665 493 669 469 658 461 657 635 604 611 575 584 623 606 630 477 541 451 583 420 571 453 725 384 578 376 498
ტყიბული 294 371 321 367 321 375 296 367 286 357 272 347 291 420 264 430 260 437 253 404 196 404 181 397 195 371 141 438 165 378 145 319
წყალტუბო 573 868 640 871 814 1020 762 1020 725 998 706 990 804 898 711 875 695 884 675 859 570 812 528 867 536 873 510 993 461 877 435 774
ჭიათურა 448 642 500 641 586 718 545 710 522 694 506 682 709 797 704 734 569 718 592 732 511 652 446 676 456 711 447 811 376 675 381 540
ხარაგაული 176 300 198 299 284 367 265 366 249 356 242 352 315 425 323 382 277 396 265 359 226 365 211 330 213 348 187 386 178 323 167 275
ხონი 287 385 318 386 347 416 323 411 312 403 301 395 341 416 317 446 309 417 291 456 280 360 254 341 219 375 225 467 192 388 160 330
სულ 7056 8858 7821 8892 7851 9136 7312 9018 7129 8868 6874 8593 8515 7784 7574 6757 6040 5873 5879 5215 4837 7008

Source: National Statistics Office of Georgia

Evidently, the negative natural increase did not occur solely under the governance of the Georgian Dream. The number of deaths consistently surpassed the number of births from 2008 to 2012 under the governance of United National Movement. The trend persisted in the subsequent period, from 2013 to 2023. Furthermore, a positive natural change in population was recorded only in 2008 and 2009 in Kutaisi under the governance of the United National Movement from 2008 to 2012. The aforementioned rate turned negative in the subsequent years and continued under the governance of the following political party until 2014. The rate then turned positive until 2020 when COVID-19 significantly impacted the death rate. The death rate surged in the pandemic years of 2020 and 2021 throughout the entire country, consequently deteriorating the natural population change in both Kutaisi and Imereti as a whole. Despite the above, the negative rate of natural increase remained in the post-pandemic years, in 2022 and 2023.

Graph 2: Number of Births and Deaths in Imereti from 2008 to 2023

Source: National Statistics Office of Georgia

Notably, whilst the total number of births has never surpassed the total number of deaths in Imereti in the aforementioned time period, births surpassed deaths on multiple occasions in several municipalities, including Kutaisi, under the governance of both the United National Movement and the Georgian Dream. The highest death rate amounted to 9,136 and occurred in 2010 in Imereti, excluding the pandemic year of 2021. The death rate was almost as high in 2011 and 2016, constituting 9,018 and 9,102, respectively.

Several underlying factors should be considered whilst talking about the birth rate. Specifically, Kutaisi is the largest and most urbanised city in Imereti, leading the nearby municipal population to migrate to the aforementioned administrative centre. However, the number of births in 2023 was 1,247 lower as compared to 2008. Furthermore, migration plays a crucial role amongst other contributing variables. The number of people who have left Georgia over the past nine years amounts to 719,000 whilst the number of those who have returned slightly exceeds 505,000, suggesting that the net migration in Georgia is negative – more Georgian citizens are emigrating than those returning, according to GeoStat data. Additionally, the age group of individuals who have remained abroad is typically of reproductive age, further contributing to the downward trajectory of low birth rates.

Whilst Tsamtsishvili cites the number of births in 2008 in Kutaisi, he omits the subsequent data from 2010 and 2011 when, respectively, 571 and 744 fewer people were born and the number of deaths exceeded the number of births. Furthermore, the politician overlooked the fact that the total number of births in Imereti peaked in 2014 under the Georgian Dream’s governance. Considering all of the above, FactCheck concludes that Temur Tsamtsishvili’s statement is MOSTLY TRUE.