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Correction Policy

Dispute and Correction Guideline for Articles Produced as Part of Meta’s Third-Party Fact-Checking Programme

In 2016, META launched a Third-Party Fact-Checking program in collaboration with independent fact-checking organizations to improve the accuracy of information posted on its platform. GeoFacts became Meta’s partner within the program.

In the framework of Meta’s Third-Party Fact-Checking program, fact-checkers check the veracity of the information spread on Facebook, Instagram, and Threads. After identifying content that contains potentially incorrect information on Facebook, the fact-checking organizations participating in the program evaluate and label the dubious content through the Facebook rating system, which includes the following ratings:

1. False

2. Altered

3. Partly false

4. Missing context

5. Satire

6. True

Of note is that Meta imposes certain restrictions on publishers (individual account, Facebook page) distributing content rated as the first 4 categories (false, altered, partly false, missing context) by GeoFacts (www.geofacts.ee), which may include restrictions on the dissemination of such content. In the event of repeated identical infringement by the same publishers, Meta may take additional measures: reduce distribution and reach of the publisher, limit the ability of advertising and monetization, etc.

Note that Meta may use an article prepared by GeoFacts and a relevant rating to automatically apply a label to similar or identical content on Facebook, Instagram, and Threads. In such cases, the following statement will appear on the post: “The same information was checked in another post by independent fact-checkers.” Please note GeoFacts cannot process review requests or corrections for such content. See Meta’s policy for more details.

Is it possible to review the rating by the fact-checking organizations?

There are two ways to review the rating of a content:

1. Correction of a content. If you agree with the rating given to the content you have shared/published, you can make corrections to the inaccuracies given the due prominence, which means clearly correcting the spread incorrect content, including the title, on the same link as the initial material was disseminated. After the correction, we will remove the initial rating on Facebook. Below you can find detailed information on issuing a correction. 

2. Dispute a rating. If you disagree with the rating, you can dispute it, after which we will consider your arguments and decide whether to revoke the rating or uphold it. Below you can find detailed information on disputing a rating.  

NB! Do not delete the rated content, be it a Facebook post or information posted on the website, otherwise the restrictions imposed by Facebook on you will remain in force and we will not be able to change the rating in neither cases of requesting a correction or disputing the rating.

Who can apply?

Interested parties – publishers (individual account, Facebook page), who are directly responsible for the dubious content and its distribution, can contact us and request correction or dispute of the rating.

What are the deadlines for issuing a dispute or a correction?

Interested parties – can apply to the editorial board of GeoFacts (www.geofacts.ee) within 7 working days after the rating has been given to the content published on Facebook. Appeals submitted after this deadline will not be considered.

In what time frame will we react?

If the original material is sufficiently corrected and GeoFacts (www.geofacts.ee) is informed about it, a reasoned answer will be returned within 3 working days, at which time GeoFacts will decide to either revise or leave the rating in force.

Please note that if a complaint or a correction request includes includes harassment, hate speech, or other threatening language, GeoFacts reserves the right not to respond.

How should I correct my content?

If you agree with the rating given on META’s platforms and want to correct the published material:

  • Do not delete the rated post! Deleting a post will make it impossible to correct  it and/or remove the restrictions imposed by Facebook.
  • Correction should be done according to the type of published material:
  1. Correcting photo/video content
  • If you posted incorrect information in the form of a photo or a video post, clearly indicate the correction in the photo/video description on META’s platforms, and also clearly explain the changes made to the post so that readers can get accurate information about the given photo/video. In order to do this, you can attach additional links to the post about updated information (including debunking article from GeoFacts).
  1. Correcting a text-only post
  • If you spread the incorrect information as a text-only post, replace it with the correct information, and indicate in the beginning that the post has been updated. Also, clearly explain the changes made. You can attach additional links to the post about updated information (including debunking article from GeoFacts).
  1. Correcting the article published on the website– to correct the content shared on META’s platforms, which was originally posted on your website, make the following changes:
  • Indicate in the beginning of the content published on the website that the original version of the text contained incorrect information and clearly explain the changes and inaccuracies.
  • Correct the title of the article published on the website so that incorrect information is no longer readable from it, and indicate in the title that the article has been corrected – using the word “corrected“.
  • Clearly indicate the correction in the title/description posted on Meta’s platforms.  Also, clearly explain the changes made in the post.

After making the correction in the original version of the content, you can request a review of the rating on Facebook:

  • To request a review of fact-checked content from your profile, go to Profile Status.
  • To request a review of fact-checked content from a Page you’re the owner of, go to Page Status.
  • To request a review of fact-checked content from a group you’re the admin of, go to Group Status.
  • To request a review of fact-checked content for your ad, go to Business Support Home.

Each one of those locations will show the fact-checks that have been applied and any restrictions Meta placed on the profile, Page, group or advertising account as a result.

See instructions on how to request a review of a rating on Instagram or Threads here.

If you are unable to request a rating review through Meta’s platforms, download and fill in GeoFacts’ (www.geofacts.ee) corrections template and inform us about the changes via e-mail address [email protected]. We will review your correction and if it is precisely fulfilled, that is, it will inform the reader about the mistakes and correct facts, we will change the rating given to your content on the Meta’s platforms.

NB! Ratings will not be changed if the corrections are done incompletely. Publishers can send correction requests within 7 working days after the rating has been given to the content published on Facebook. 

How to dispute a rating?

  • Do not delete the rated post! Deleting a post will make it impossible to dispute it and/or lift the restrictions imposed by Facebook.

You can dispute a rating through Facebook:

  • To dispute a rating of fact-checked content from your profile, go to Profile Status.
  • To dispute a rating of fact-checked content from a Page you’re the owner of, go to Page Status.
  • To dispute a rating of fact-checked content from a group you’re the admin of, go to Group Status.
  • To dispute a rating of fact-checked content for your ad, go to Business Support Home.

Each one of those locations will show the fact-checks that have been applied and any restrictions Meta placed on the profile, Page, group or advertising account as a result.

See instructions on how to dispute a rating on Instagram or Threads here.

If you are unable to dispute rating through Meta’s platforms, download and fill in GeoFacts’ (www.geofacts.ee) corrections template and inform us about the changes via e-mail address [email protected].

NB! Templates filled in incompletely or submitted after the deadline will not be reviewed. Publishers can send complaint requests within 7 working days after the rating has been given to the content published on Facebook. 

Requesting Correction of GeoFacts’ Other Articles

Mistakes happen and “GeoFacts” makes them too. However, it is important for “GeoFacts” that errors are corrected quickly and, most importantly, transparently.

An interested person can send a reasoned appeal for correction/complaint both via email ([email protected]) or our Facebook page. The reasoned appeal submitted with a request to correct the article is reviewed by the editorial board together with the author of the article. The editorial board is also authorized, if the board sees such a need, to invite the author of the correction letter to discuss the article.

The editorial board consists of three persons. Decisions at the editorial board are made by 2 votes. If, as a result of a reasoned appeal, the board decided to make changes to the article and such a correction was made that affected the verdict, the verdict changes.

In the case of corrections, “GeoFacts” clearly indicates (in the form of an editor’s note) the implemented change and the motivation behind it, specifying the argument used and at whose request or following communication with whom the need to implement the specific change was identified. This will be explained in the form of an editor’s note. In addition, the title of the article will contain the word “Correction”. In addition, “GeoFacts” republishes the article on social media page(s) and tries to reach the audience that was reached with the pre-change version.

Based on the reader’s feedback or by the decision of the “GeoFacts”, information that does not affect the verdict but provides the reader with additional or updated information may be added to the article after publication. In such cases, “GeoFacts” will update the article and inform the reader about the changes made in the form of an editor’s note.

If you believe that  “GeoFacts” is violating the European or international Code of Principles, you can inform either  International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) or European Fact-checking Standards Network on the following channels:

IFCN – https://ifcncodeofprinciples.poynter.org/complaints-policy 

EFCSN – https://efcsn.com/complaints/ 

Neither IFCN nor EFCSN are appeals bodies, but they have responsibility to suspend or withdraw signatory status if they find a signatory has seriously violated their code.

Corrections made in 2024


Last updated – October, 2024